Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Just a little further along from the Rose Street shops in Armadale, if you follow your nose you will find the sweetest, freshest blooms at 'Fleur' - a gorgeous florist with a white backdrop that lets the flowers shine - compliments of the wonderful Fleur McHarg. If only I lived within walking distance, I'd buy my blooms there every week...

[All images from Fleur]


Irene ~ RE~VINTAGED said...


Anonymous said...

How LOVELY!!! That would be my regular stop too if I lived close by. Lee, could you give me your email address? I got a new computer and have lost a lot of my addresses. You can leave it here:

Thanks! - Ally

Windlost said...

Heavenly Lee - so fresh. I have rarely seen such beautiful flower shops here!! There are a few gems but this one has such a lovely look. Wow.

Happy holidays to you and yours! xo Terri

Leah - The Inside Story said...

That is a truly gorgeous flower shop. I wish I lived near it!!

La Maison Fou said...

Oooh....Really pretty.
I love the play of color and texture on all white background.
Those violet blooms under the dome?....
Makes me think of my great grandmum....... so simple and pretty.
Happy Holidays,
La Maison Fou

Brabourne Farm said...

Lee this looks like flower heaven! Hope you have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. Leigh

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Merry Christmas Dear Lee
I hope the coming year brings you much joy and happiness.. ciao xxx Julie

septembre said...

thanks for sharing this pictures, lovely!!!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Beautiful photos!

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