Easter was spent at my sister's farm in the Gippsland region here in Victoria. We had a lovely time doing very little but eating, relaxing, chatting, drawing, walking and sleeping. It was a wonderful opportunity to spend time together and recharge our batteries. I thought I'd share with you just a few images from the weekend.
Hay bales basking in the sunshine, ready for cattle in the winter months...

I took a late afternoon walk to an abandoned scout camp close by my sister's property. The walk started out on this lovely road sheltered by the gum trees...

...and eventually the road dwindled down to this much narrower path...

While I was at the scout camp I picked a lovely bunch of pink 'naked ladies' (sorry, I don't know the real name for this flower) and bracken fern for my sister...
Just inside the front gate to the farm are just some of the stables for the horses...

And this is the view from the house...

And here are just a few of the lovely things my sister has sitting on her kitchen window sill...
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...what an immense space for crying out loud. And thàt's your sisters property?? The woods as well??? OOaarrgghhh.....sigh.
What a lovely way to spend the weekend - you can't beat the country life!
Hi Lee
It was lovely to catch up with you and Jacky last Sunday. You are always such good company!
Glad you had such a lovely relaxing weekend. And thanks for sharing so many wonderful photo's. Wish I had of been on that walk with you.
Jacky's home is always such a peaceful place to be isn't it?
Hope you are having a good week.
Dot xx
Jealous! sorry did I mention I am jealous!
those pics are so relaxing.
So beautiful and typically Australian too. Lucky you, who gets to visit. My brother has a small farm on Kangaroo Island, but it's terribly isolated, stark and windy - I always get twitchy and want to flee back to the 'big smoke' asap! But this place, I could learn to love, I'm sure.
Wow! Those photos are so incredibly beautiful! I would love to visit her house:)
g'day, just surfed in here
lovely blog, these photos are gorgeous, I'd so love to visit the area
Hi Lee, I had to pop in and say that I am an art friend of Jacky's and saw the sweet doll she created you for Easter! HOW wonderful! :0) Sister love is the best right?
Sounds like the both of you enjoyed your visit together at Jacky's and that so super.
Sending a happy hello your way!
Hi Lee, I think you make the farm look and sound better than it is!!!
Lovely pictures and a LOVELY weekend spent with you guys.
Ahem... those mangosteens on the windowsill are a bit past their best by date, but I do still love the look of them.
Jacky xox
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