I feel like this poor little donkey at the moment...saddled with a few too many 'bags'. Over the next few weeks on top of my normal work and family commitments I will be studying for a professional development examination of sorts, and so with only 24 hours in the day something has got to give -this means that until early September my blogging (and blog visiting) will be pretty patchy at best. But, I'll be back firing on all cylinders next month. Lee xx

Re-found objects)
I totally relate to feeling like this donkey sometimes! Whew!
Great image! I understand about having to many bags... good luck with your examination!
Good luck with your exams! I look forward to catching up with you when you're less burdened. Meredith xo.
Good luck with your exam, Lee. BTW, that's a great photo!
I totally understand Lee - do what you need to do, we'll all be waiting for your return. Make sure you have some fun time in between all the study - good luck my dear.
Millie ^_^
What a sweet donkey!
Good luck with your exams.. Hope you will be alright..
Feeling a little the same at the moment - catch you when you return! Good luck. Leanne
Oh that is sad that pic!
Hope your study goes very well xxx
HI Lee
Good luck with your exams [you'll do great I'm sure!]. We will miss you but look forward to your return. Take care xx Julie
hang in there, lee....it appears to me you are one busy woman at the best of times, so if things are getting you down, it must be a super busy time! wishing you well, we'll miss you, but completely understand. x ps. have a little gift waiting for you here at galmont, maybe it can be a reward at the end of your exam.
Good luck with things. Time to focus on reality (doesn't it suck?) - hope you do great!
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